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Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough Bread

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

This bread is amazing toasted in the morning with a cup of latte, it is sure to please the whole family.

This Sourdough Cinnamon Raisin Loaf combines the fragrant coziness of cinnamon raisin bread with the health benefits of sourdough leavening.

General Info

Makes 1 9x5 Inch Loaf

Time 14 Hours approximately


350 grams All Purpose Flour (100%)

150 grams Sourdough Starter (43 %)

12 grams Sugar (3%)

6 grams salt (1.5%)

50 grams (1) egg (14%)

175 grams water (50%)

70 grams butter (20%)


80 grams Raisins

1 egg

1/4 cup Light Brown Sugar

1 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon

1/ 1/2 teaspoons flour

To avoid congestion, I get up at 5:10, grab a slice of raisin toast, and leave the house at 6 A.M. Ellen Stofan


  1. Pour 175 grams of warm water into your stand mixer, add 150 grams of sourdough starter, you can use your discard for this recipe. Add one egg at room temperature and 12 grams of sugar, add 350 grams of all purpose flour, mix the ingredients at low speed. Add 6 grams of salt and keep mixing until the dough comes together. Add 70 grams of butter little by little while you keep mixing the dough. Mix until the dough starts to come off the sides of the bowl.Place in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge to ferment overnight.

  2. The next morning, take the dough out of the fridge and let it rest for 10 min. Meanwhile in a bowl mix a teaspoon of water and 1 egg. In another bowl, mix ¼ cup of light brown sugar, 1 ½ teaspoons of flour  and 1 ½ teaspoons of ground cinnamon. Set aside. 

  3. Degas the dough and take it out of the bowl. Work your dough to form a ball. Take your roller pin and start rolling the dough until you have a 6 x18 inch (15x45 cm) rectangle. Brush the dough with egg wash. Sprinkle the entire mix of sugar, flour and cinnamon on top until you cover the whole area of the dough leaving only ½ an inch of the borders uncovered. 

  4. Place 80 grams of raisins on top of the dough. Make sure to distribute the raisins evenly on the whole surface of your dough. With the help of a scraper start rolling your dough starting with the short end of the dough. Pinch the ends to seal and transfer to a greased 9 x 5 inch (22x13 cm) loaf pan. Cover with greased plastic wrap and let it rise until the dough has grown about ½ an inch (1 cm) over the rim of the pan.

  5. When your dough has grown, remove the plastic wrap and place it in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Farenheit (180 C), after 20 min cover your bread with foil and bake for another 20 minutes. at the end of those 20 minutes remove the foil and let the loaf brown for another 5 to 10 minutes. When your bread is browned remove it from the oven and place on a cooler rack.Brush it right away with melted butter and let it cool for about 1 hour.


Pan de Pasas y Canela con Masa Madre

Este pan es increíblemente tostado por la mañana con una taza de café con leche, seguramente complacerá a toda la familia.

Este pan de pasas y canela combina la fragancia del pan de pasas y canela con los beneficios para la salud de la levadura de masa madre fermentada.

Información general

Rinde 1 pan de 9x5 pulgadas (22x13 cm)

Tiempo 14 horas aproximadamente


350 gramos de harina para todo uso (100%)

150 gramos de masa madre (43%)

12 gramos de azúcar (3%)

6 gramos de sal (1.5%)

50 gramos de huevo (1 huevo) (14%)

175 gramos de agua (50%)

70 gramos de mantequilla (20%)


80 gramos de pasas

1 huevo

1/4 taza de azúcar morena

1 ½ cucharaditas de canela

1 ½ cucharaditas de harina

Para evitar el tráfico me levanto a las 5:10, tomo un pan tostado de pasas y salgo de la casa a las 6 a.m. Ellen Stofan


  1. Vierta 175 gramos de agua tibia en su batidora de pie, agregue 150 gramos de masa madre, puede usar su descarte para esta receta. Agregue un huevo a temperatura ambiente y 12 gramos de azúcar, agregue 350 gramos de harina para todo uso, mezcle los ingredientes a baja velocidad. Agregue 6 gramos de sal y siga mezclando hasta que la masa se una. Agregue 70 gramos de mantequilla poco a poco mientras sigue mezclando la masa. Mezcle hasta que la masa comience a desprenderse de los lados del recipiente. Coloque en un recipiente engrasado, cubra con una envoltura de plástico y coloque en el refrigerador para que fermente durante la noche.

  2. A la mañana siguiente, saque la masa del refrigerador y déjala reposar durante 10 minutos. Mientras tanto, en un tazón mezcle una cucharadita de agua y 1 huevo. En otro tazón, mezcle ¼ de taza de azúcar morena, 1 ½ cucharaditas de harina y 1 ½ cucharaditas de canela molida. Dejar de lado.

  3. Desgasifica la masa y sáquela del recipiente. Trabaje su masa para formar una bola. Tome su rodillo y comience a enrollar la masa hasta que tenga un rectángulo de 6 x 18 pulgadas (15x45 cm). Barnice la masa con huevo batido. Espolvoree la mezcla completa de azúcar, harina y canela por encima hasta cubrir toda el área de la masa dejando solo ½ pulgada de los bordes sin cubrir.

  4. Coloque 80 gramos de pasas encima de la masa. Asegúrese de distribuir las pasas de manera uniforme en toda la superficie de su masa. Con la ayuda de una espátula, comience a enrollar la masa comenzando por el extremo corto de la masa. Pellizque los extremos para sellar y transfiera a un molde de pan engrasado de 9 x 5 pulgadas (22x13 cm). Cubra con una envoltura de plástico engrasada y déjela crecer hasta que la masa haya crecido aproximadamente ½ pulgada (1 cm) sobre el borde de la sartén

  5. Cuando su masa haya crecido, retire la envoltura de plástico y colóquela en un horno precalentado a 350 grados Farenheit (180 C), después de 20 minutos cubra su pan con papel aluminio y hornee por otros 20 minutos. Al final de esos 20 minutos, retire el papel aluminio y deje que el pan se dore durante otros 5 a 10 minutos. Cuando el pan se dore, retírelo del horno y colóquelo en una rejilla más fría. Barnice inmediatamente con mantequilla derretida y déje enfriar durante aproximadamente 1 hora.

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I used a recently fed starter, but it took 6 hours to rise (in a 85 degree room). Any ideas why? Once baked, it was great!


Peggy Lawing
Peggy Lawing
Dec 22, 2020

Wonderful bread! So proud of my first sourdough bake! I have a question! Do you have to refrigerate overnight? Is there another option to speed the process?


A Knead to Bake
A Knead to Bake
Oct 01, 2020

My pleasure! Next time try to knead it longer if it still looks wet. I’m glad you liked it


Aline Camacho
Aline Camacho
Oct 01, 2020

Wow! I really thought the recipe would not work for me because the dough was too wet, as it never came out the sides of the bowl like yours. I had to put a little bit more flour because I think my egg was over 50g and maybe my flour did not absorb much water. Long story short, the loaf came out so delicious, soft, and flavorful!

Thank you for all your sourdough recipes, this is the first one I tried but won't be the last.


A Knead to Bake
A Knead to Bake
Sep 30, 2020

Some people feed their sourdough starter and discard part of it in the process. That’s what it means

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